Overall Findings: Postmates vs Doordash

From the customer’s perspective, Postmates and DoorDash are pretty similar. If you’ve used one, you’ll find it easy to use the other. The main thing that sets PostMates apart is that it delivers more than food. You can get almost anything delivered from anywhere, including grocery stores. Still, DoorDash is sometimes cheaper, so you should compare prices if you only occasionally order out.

Availability: It Depends on Where You Live

Both DoorDash and Postmates now deliver in all 50 states, but they are not available in some areas. If you live in or near a city, you likely have a choice between the two. Your options may be more limited if you live in a rural area, but both companies are always expanding. Postmates will deliver from any local restaurant, even those not listed as an option on their website. You can find usually find what you want on DoorDash, but it’s not as flexible. Alcohol delivery is also offered by both services in certain places; however, DoorDash only delivers from specific stores, so Postmates is still the better option.

Fees: Get Free Deliveries When You Order Out a Lot

On top of delivery and service charges, both services add extra fees during peak times. Fees can vary based on where you live and the current demand. Both services also prompt you to tip your delivery driver. The price you actually pay for your food will be the same as you would pay when visiting the restaurant. With Postmates Unlimited and DoorDash DashPass, you can get unlimited deliveries with no delivery fees. If you order out more than once a month, they quickly pay for themselves. Additionally, some restaurants may offer exclusive promotions for one service or the other, so either one might be cheaper in specific situations.

Customer Experience: It’s a Tie

DoorDash and Postmates are pretty evenly matched when it comes to ease-of-use and customer service. The process for placing orders is the same, and you get real-time updates on your order. Before you can use the mobile apps, you must create a user name and password, but no payment information is required until you finalize your order. On the downside, neither service offers a customer support phone number. Your driver has the ability to contact you, but if you have problems with an order, you’ll have to contact the restaurant directly. Menus are sometimes out-of-date, but that’s usually the fault of vendors.

Final Verdict

Where you live plays the biggest role in whether Postmates or DoorDash is the better option. If you have the luxury of choosing between the two and order out often, your best bet is to pay for PostMates Unlimited since you can get a wider variety of items delivered. That said, it doesn’t hurt to check both to see which is currently cheaper since delivery fees can fluctuate. If you can’t find what you want on either service, don’t forget about alternatives like Uber Eats and Grubhub.