Not sure where to get started? Here’s a rundown on how your Apple Watch can help you reach your fitness goals:

Set a Goal

The first step in using your Apple Watch as a fitness tool is to set a goal. We recommend starting with something that you know you can handle. For instance, burning 350 calories a day. While that seems like a low number, the Apple Watch counts the number of calories you’re burning from movement, not overall. That sets the goal apart from other fitness trackers. Those 350 calories equate to around 10,000 steps a day for an average-sized person. So, while you might see 350 calories as a small amount, you’re actually burning the same amount as another person walking 10,000 steps with their Fitbit.

Now Adjust the Goal

After your first full week with the Apple Watch, you’ll receive a report detailing how successful you were in meeting that goal, as well as suggestions for future goals. If you met that 350 calorie goal every day, then the Apple Watch might suggest that you try something more ambitious. Likewise, if the 350 proved a little too hard, then the Apple Watch might suggest something a little lower for the following week. Each day you’ll be able to see how far from your goal you are through the fitness rings on the Apple Watch face. We’ve found that the fitness rings can be pretty motivating. If your work day is over and you still haven’t made it past the halfway point, you know that you may need to go for a walk. Likewise, if you’ve already finished the ring by lunch, you can start planning a Netflix binge session for the evening without the guilt of missing a workout.

A Gentle Nudge

If you’re consistently hitting your goals, then the Apple Watch will always gently nudge you to try a little harder. Did you easily hit 500 calories a day all week? Why not try for 510 next week? The increases can be small, but if you add just 10 extra calories a day every week of the year, you’ll be burning an extra 500 12 months later. Small increases can make a huge difference over time, and if you gradually reach them you’ll barely notice the difference. It’s much easier than trying to meet a more difficult goal earlier on, and because you’ll be reaching your goals you won’t get discouraged by the failure to hit goals that might actually have been too ambitious.

Take the “Stand Up” Notification to the Next Level 

One great fitness feature of the Apple Watch is its “stand up” notification. The idea behind the message is to make sure you stand up at least once every hour. Quite a few of us work desk jobs that have us sitting in front of a computer most of the day. The “stand up” notification lets you know when you’ve been sitting for an hour and suggests you stand up for a minute instead. Whenever your Apple Watch suggests that you stand up, you should take the opportunity to go for a walk—anything that will help you reach the goal of taking, say, 250 steps every hour. Again, 250 steps an hour may seem like a small amount, but if you multiply it over an eight-hour workday you’ll end up with 2000 more steps than you would have taken if you’d remained sitting at your desk.

Use the Workout Feature

One of the most powerful features of the Apple Watch is the workout tool. Just like your daily goals, you can set a workout goal for a given activity. You can see in real-time how many calories you’re burning, helping you get a sense of what makes a “good” workout versus merely a casual one. Even better, when you launch a workout you can see what your history is with that particular workout. It’s great for putting your workout into perspective, and just like with weekly goals, it’s an easy way to gradually push yourself. Was your last run 3 miles? Why not try 3.1 miles today? It’s a small increase, but again, add .1 every few days and you’ll be running an extra mile in no time. If you have an Apple Watch Series 2 you also have the option to swim with your watch and get the same benefits.

Download Some Apps

The built-in fitness apps in the Apple Watch are great, but there is a ton of great third-party apps that can help take your workouts to even greater heights.

Nike+ Run Club

With the Apple Watch Series 2, Apple partnered with Nike on a whole new Nike-branded version of the watch. You don’t have to own the Nike+ version to take advantages of the app’s features. With the app, you’re able to connect to Nike’s global running community, log your runs, and compete with friends who are also using the service.

Fitstar Yoga

If you love yoga but hate yoga studios, then the Fitstar app can be a great way to get your fix. The Fitter yoga app will show you poses directly on your wrist, for a visual coach that will work everywhere from your hotel room to your living room. The app also provides information, like how much time is left in your session, and enables you to play, pause, or move back and forth within a workout.


Just as important as getting some cardio throughout the day is drinking some water. The Waterminder app does exactly what it sounds like: It watches your water consumption. You’ll have to enter everything in manually, which can be problematic if you’re forgetful, but when you do remember the app can let you know if you’ve consumed enough water for the day and suggest you grab an extra glass if you haven’t hydrated enough.


Do you need motivation to work out in the first place? Don’t we all. The CARROT Fit app pushes you to workout during the day and offers 7-minute workouts that are perfect to fit in between meetings in your office, or during a quick break in your Netflix binge session.


Seven is another great option for people who need to keep their workouts quick. The app shows body positions for things like pushups and squats and coaches ​you through either a 7-, 14-, or 21-minute workout. It can be great when you’re on the go but still want to work out for a few minutes.